Pat celebrates 30 years!
Today Thursday 3 February 2022 Pat blows out 30 candles!
An important milestone, which it would be nice to relive through stories and memories.
30 years of history that certainly cannot be told in a few minutes: there are so many pieces and challenges that have made up this continuous growth and evolution!
One in particular was really significant and that is to have become part of Zucchetti, the main ICT group in Italy.
Being part of the Zucchetti Group has allowed us to think even bigger, look at even more challenging goals, aim to reach international horizons and scenarios, while always maintaining the values of being a 100% Italian company!
Also the recent acquisition of Tecnoteca, leader in the market of Open Source ITSM solutions, will allow us to expand the offer to concretely respond to the challenges that the market will present us with the aim of creating a reference pole in the Italian and international market of IT Service Management.
This is how we remember the anniversary of the company in the words and memories of Patrizio Bof, founder of Pat:
“I have asked myself many times what were the fundamental elements to get here. I found them in these words: Tenacity, Courage, Challenge, Curiosity and Youth. In these 30 years, we have won several challenges, often thanks to willingness to do differently from what everyone else does! We continue to look forward because we need history to be better and to plan our future in the best possible way, because without a future there is no history “.
Happy birthday PAT!