Knowing customers by exploring data and their habits, through measurement analysis of their data, today is a sensitive topic for both businesses and customers. The modern consumer, often described as Digital Customer, is a person who consults independent sites, blogs and social networks, is aware and better prepared, and therefore has become more demanding: consumers expect business to be aware of browsing history, preferences, purchases and comparisons.
Competence in managing customer’s interactions to choose, their Customer Journey, constitutes the basis of a proper business strategy: initiated by the marketing department going through the sales department and then possibly impacting Customer Service: customer personal data and related behavioral information help define the best strategy to turns a lead into a customer.
Knowing customers and users habits is today’s paramount. As mentioned by Gartner analyst Jennifer Polk in her recent article “Data Enables marketing leaders to measure and optimize their programs in real time, and design and improve customer experience“, highlighting the strategic importance of data analysis to support an improved customer facing marketing and a better experience for customers.
Companies are now aware of the importance of such data analysis and according to a recent survey on 169 IT managers conducted by Talend , enlists their 2017 priorities: Big Data, Analytics, and governance.
70% of the panel, in fact, revealed that real-time analysis, data management, and the self-service knowledge and information access make up nearly 70% of projects IT managers want to implement this year, by structuring their data planning to exploit artificial intelligence and machine learning in the near future. The results also shows that while the digital transformation push continues to be an everyday goal, CIOs are facing budget challenges and time allocation since they need to ensure daily business operations. As a result, their goal is to follow technological progress in this area.
“The digital transformation leader objectives is to create a corporate culture that understands the strategic asset that data represent and that data needs to be leveraged at every stage of each decision-making process. This approach ensures agility and flexibility of the business ensuring to stay competitive in today’s challenging marketplace” said Ashley Stirrup, Talend chief marketing officer.
Explore data and customer behavior delivers measurable benefits for the business from multiple points of view by improving internal processes, services and customers engagement. Let’s face one by one, in detail:
Improvement of internal processes: leads data analytics allows identifying ways and lean processes to meet new business goals, ensuring safer and cost effective operations. This explains why 27% of the respondents believe that the most significant impact of data analytics to their organization would positively affect internal processes improvement, followed by operational cost reductions (17%).
Customer Service Improvement: accessible and in-depth knowledge of customers through data analysis support to deliver businesses success: interaction methods, targeted communication and personalized support. As many as 20% of the respondents see qualitative benefits applied to customer caring services.
Customer Relationship strengthening: Knowing and predicting customer behavior, how a lead has been created and by which preferred communication channel, affects the continuing engagement process while increasing loyalty and trust.
Understanding data and customer behaviors ensures value-added services generation: knowing leads and customer behavior is essential, not only to improve how to increase consumer’s attraction (engagement), but also manage the new lead through qualifying, nurturing whilst generating a genuine interest in their favorite brands. Surely CRM applications are the platforms that allow collecting, analyzing and managing such information, while sharing it with marketing or customer service. Pat offers fully integrated solutions such as InfiniteCRM, which is able to integrate with other management systems allowing to automating marketing and servicing processes. Starting with collecting leads information thanks to a multi-channel communication platform established on a customer centric strategy and logic. However, we can do more…. thanks to our business governance platform, BrainInteractive, you can collect and aggregate the multiple interactions that the customer entertains with the business, offering a complete and integrated lead and customer management process.