Benefits of Low Code No Code for Service Desk

1. What is Low Code No Code and how it applies to the Service Desk
2. Benefits of Low Code No Code for the Service Desk
3. Pat's Service Desk and automated low-code processes

The new frontiers of Digital Transformation and business agility, the growing diffusion of digital services are causing important changes within companies. Within this article we will analyze the news related to the use of Low Code and No Code techniques in specific areas such as the Service Desk.

Low Code No Code is a system created to reduce – or completely delete – the need to write code for the development of business applications and their release. The main objective is to bridge the gap between IT and business, simplifying as much as possible the specific activities typically performed by IT. Examples of this are the development, release and updating of applications or internal processes.

What is Low Code No Code and how it applies to the Service Desk

When companies embrace Digital Transformation, there are new opportunities to innovate and increase their productivity.

The rise of the No Code and Low Code platforms offers organizations an alternative approach to accelerate their development, reducing costs and simplifying the design of new internal procedures. These new modes allow businesses to quickly build and deploy software applications and websites without the use of a professional programmer. Instead of writing every single line of code for a given application, users of a Low Code No Code platform can build their project with point-and-click interfaces.

In our article dedicated to the trends of 2023 we analyze the concepts of Low Code and No Code in the current technological development based on automation. Furthermore, we illustrate how their application in the Service Desk environment helps to improve the quality of work, accelerate business processes and improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process.

So what is Low Code No Code?

Specifically, Low Code Development Platforms (LCDP) require some basic coding skills for developing and integrating complex applications. In contrast, No-Code Development Platforms (NCDP) do not require any programming knowledge.

These technologies therefore offer a highly simplified application environment. Instead of using classic programming languages, LCDP and NCDP use user-friendly settings that allow even citizen developers to develop applications using predefined building blocks.

According to the latest forecast from Gartner, Inc, the worldwide market for Low Code No Code development technologies is projected to reach $26.9 billion in 2023, an increase of 19.6% from 2022.

In particular, Low Code Application Platforms (LCAP) will form the largest component of the market, growing by 25% to nearly $10 billion in 2023. This will happen as interest in hyperautomation continues to grow at due to the operational optimization needs of companies, the skills gap especially in the ICT field and the growing economic pressures.

Investments in low-code technologies will support innovation for agile application development, for creating personalized User Experiences, and for new workflows and processes.

Why apply Low Code techniques to the Service Desk?

The Low code applied to the Service Desk allows to increase the performance of the platform and the results in the quality of the services released.

A Service Desk solution with a Low Code No Code approach will have the right tools to allow business users to automate many activities on their own. In fact, service operators no longer need to send support requests to IT development teams. These platforms allow for self-service use aimed at accelerating the development process, creating new applications, as well as digitizing and automating some workflows.

“The Low Code approach applied to the Service Desk brings greater speed, productivity and agility”

Even a Service Desk solution can have Low Code No Code functionality, through a visual interface, the more classic "drag & drop" function and a framework for modeling data.

This approach extremely simplifies the use of the application, allowing the user to independently design the flow he needs, without having to call in expert developers.

This accelerates the development process of the application itself, the release of new services and increases productivity, speeding up the launch of new processes and significantly reducing development and project management costs.

The Low Code No Code approach for the Service Desk can be applied to improve the following areas of IT Service Management:

• Customer/user portal for services
• Virtual Assistant
• Catalog of services
• Work Space
• Shared Knowledge Base

In particular, the Low Code No Code approach for the Service Desk can be used as an ITIL process automation tool. This will allow you to create end-to-end workflows and digital and agile workflows.

Benefits of Low Code No Code for the Service Desk

According to Gartner Senior Market Research Specialist Varsha Mehta:

“Organizations are increasingly turning to low-code development technologies to meet the needs for fast application delivery and highly customized automation workflows. Equip both professional developers and non-IT business resources with a variety of tools low-code, enables organizations to achieve the level of digital proficiency and speed of delivery required for the modern agile environment."

In line with the forecasts, the Low Code No Code applied to the Service Desk solves the problems related to the assistance, support and service release processes:

1. Speed: accelerated development and delivery of new applications and processes is perhaps the most widely recognized benefit of Low Code No Code development. Intuitive user interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality and linking of actions and tasks help ensure results are a click away . In fact, low-code solutions can reduce development time by up to 90%.

2. Productivity: applying Low Code No Code to the Service Desk simplifies the development process. This means developers can focus on innovating and responding to ICT needs, rather than specific support processes to optimize. Through the Low Code No Code these aspects can be managed through a flow designed directly by people dedicated to the Service Desk, even without particular development skills.

3. Agility: reducing deployment time brings with it another benefit: business agility. As markets change and service needs evolve, organizations can rapidly create and release new digital initiatives targeted to the changing needs of their employees and customers.

4. Cost: Low Code No Code solutions enable fewer developers to achieve more and even enable non-developers to build the ITSM processes they need. This means reduced costs and a higher return on investment.

5. IT Governance: real organizational capacity of corporate IT to control the formulation and implementation of ICT strategies, ensuring correct integration between business and IT. Managing the development and implementation of new IT Service Management and Service Desk flows and processes through the simplicity of low-code provides a central and optimal location for comprehensive governance.

6. Collaboration: managing the development of ITSM processes and flows from a single location – the Service Desk solution – also promotes better collaboration between system users. Multiple individuals or groups involved in tasks can see exactly what tasks are being performed and by whom, allowing them to collaborate together to work on and optimize the same modules.

7. Scaling capacity: the use of Low Code No Code in the Service Desk for new automated processes directly gives the platform operator the power to develop, in a simplified way, what is necessary for his business.

Pat's Service Desk and automated low-code processes

Following the latest trends, Pat HDA's solution for Service Desk and IT Service Management has recently introduced the Low Code No Code feature. This new feature allows you to:

• simplify the creation of new processes;
• enhance the use of automation systems to increase the efficiency of the work flow in multiple company areas.

HDA, in the latest release, allows a simplified design of workflows to automate new procedures based on certain events or actions.

For example, it is possible to create support and business processes in complete autonomy from the web interface of the application and, thanks to the visual editor, it is possible to create processes that previously required ad-hoc developments.

HDA is available in both Cloud and On premise modes. It is the Service Desk and Service Management solution for medium-large companies that want to guarantee correct IT governance in their assistance and support processes.

Find out what's new in HDA for the Service Desk, the management of business services and all the best practices that will improve your business!