Patrizio Bof speaks at the 2018 ConfProfessioni Congress in Rome

Next November 6th, at the Auditorium Antonianum in Rome, the annual congress of the Italian Confederation of Liberal Professions (ConfProfessioni) will be held addressing the following theme: “Professionals in the service society: new opportunities and protections”.

The national congress of liberal professions is an established event meant to gather a
constantly evolving, strategic economic sector for our country, highlighting its growth trends and the needs for supporting its development process with respect to the overall economic development of the country.

The program of the congress includes several institutional and in-depth interventions, hosting distinguished guests such as Maria Elisabetta Casellati, President of the Senate; Luigi Di Maio, Deputy Prime Minister; Giulia Bongiorno, Minister of Public Administration; Virginia Raggi, Mayor of Rome (confirmation pending). Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will close the meeting.

By mid-afternoon, the session called “Towards a platform of services for professionals” will be held, introducing the new digital service platform for professionals. Two speakers will outline the project: Andrea Granelli, Confprofessioni delegate for Innovation, and Patrizio Bof, president of Pat (a company of the Zucchetti Group). Bof’s speech will focus on how technology can enhance the role of professionals and create new opportunities from a participatory point of view.

Further information on the 2018 Confprofessioni Congress is available here.