What future directions will Service Desk drive?
Last week we discussed the above after having reviewed the first four trends that experts of the Service Desk Institute, Howard Kendall and Daniel Wood, described in their report “The Service Desk 2017 & Beyond”.
While last time, in the article “The future directions of the service desk – Part 1” had then talked about mobility, Self-Help, Business Service Centric and Change Management, today we will discuss four other trends:
- Customer Centricity: the user or the customer will be the true protagonist. The optimization and processes effectiveness will aim to improve the user experience, user satisfaction and the perception of a greater attention to user requests, priorities and deadlines.
- Metrics & Analytics: 2017 will see an increased use of analysis tools that will help measure service performance indicators, Service Desks performances, the level of resources utilised in operations, user satisfaction. Through timely measurements of trends and requests, the Service Desk will promptly respond to the business needs.
- Knowledge Sharing: Service Desk will be the dynamic information, knowledge and documents vehicle related to organization and service governance. A key factor will be content sharing able to support both service management resources and users, which will submit support and change requests.
- Verticalized services: Service Desk will not only be dedicated to IT, but will service all areas and business dynamics, which in itself will drive change, support, information, and design. The service will represent an enterprise value to drive the evolution and improvement of many specific organizational areas: administrative, financial, legal, commercial, HR and general management.
The evolutions that the Service Desk drive are therefore clear and reflect the future changes that are already taking place in society including people new digital behaviors: self-servicing, mobile, immediate feedback, customer centricity will continue to influence the service desk. Service delivery will shift its focus from enterprise IT business to every organization areas.
According to experts, therefore, the service desk will change and evolve extending more and more its applications towards a higher quality of service and measurable business strategy.
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